Monday, 2 January 2017

Just a quick note 2nd jan 2017

Just a quick note 2nd Jan 2017

Hello world, thanks for reading all my stuff in 2016.

There  will be much more in 2017.

I will delete some old stories to make space for new ones

So read those you like NOW, when the 3 kings arrive the old stories will hitch a  lift on a camel

I should finish Tears for a Butcher but it would take a year of my life to do that, so I chose the lazy option and write short pieces. i did meet an audio typist in a supermarket but she was not the one.

I need a free audio typist, or rather I sit and talk and she types. I think I could write the next book in 33 sessions. Say 99 hours. I have the 1st chapter done already, I even posted it here for you all. I am talking about Tears for a Butcher which is the sequel to The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker.

that's it really, my Arthur, my arthritis has flared up and it really hurts, the scars from my heart surgery hurt too,  this is so you know why I amuse myself with comedy, or my attempts at comedy.

I could say more but just look at your own grandfathers and you can imagine it.

i post with photos so that if the story is not amusing at least the silly photos are.

You can see who the writer really is too.

If I can write so can all of you, so give it a try. Look what happened to me, one million words in this house. It would be nice if I could write one million words at our next home too.

So Peace be with you all

Michael Casey

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brown nosing never required

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 167 countries so far