Monday 21 January 2019

Where it all began essay

Where it all Began ©
Michael Casey

As ever I begin with a blank page, I’ve not decided what to talk about today, though I did post a photo from the old house to show you my humble beginnings as a writer. I’m still writing over 30 years later, and if you Google image search the computer savvy amongst you will find more pictures, you may even spot me stood outside the old house, which is for sale by the way. So Barron Trump there’s a challenge for you. By the way my own brother was so very tall from a young age, so in that regard you remind me of him.

I’m still waiting to be discovered by a main line publisher. Maybe only those doing a main line of powder discover me, as they are in a haze and mistype a search. Beginnings are strange, they can happen by accident or they can be planned, or come out of a bottle. The old saying that more babies are born out of a bottle, or people having too much to drink then regretting it later, 9 months later. Though the idea of charts and making love to a calendar seems horrendous to me. Do you have to clock in and clock out and follow a shift pattern, and then do multiple unpaid overtime just to have that baby. You don’t have to be John and Yoko either, let Nature be your guide.

What about In the Beginning, was God just fooling around in the dark looking for the light switch, did he bang his toe and scream Let there be Light. Or was the Big Bang when God escaped from a trunk of nothingness like Houdini, and everything began. So Light came into existence. You can get kids at Art class, or just small kids with crayons to draw a picture, it would look very 70s glam rock with flashes and stripes.Perhaps Mike Pence’s wife is doing that right now. Though Gaga has condemned her, God would no doubt be crying on the sidelines. Why can’t my kids just get on. I am for everybody, like air and water. Which is my opinion too, I agree with God, he is for everybody. And if he isn’t I wouldn’t want to have nothing to do with him. Now immediately 1/2 of  you hate me. I think I’ll just get blind drunk with Mike Pence and puke all over Trump, live on tv.

The Simpsons will no doubt use that idea, Pence and me puking all over Trump, will that be the way to save America? As Churchill said       
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
I let the History student in me take over.

What of other beginnings? The same broken barn chair I sat on to write The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker was the one I wrote my application letter for a computer job 10 years previously. I only just remembered that an instance ago. It was also the chair my mother stood on to wash the windows outside and the one she sat on while she did the washing up. Now it may be 50 years old, but sadly it has been lost when we moved house.

My brother said try computers so I did and the rest is History as they say, I’ve used computers for 41 years now. Then a disc drive was as big as a washing machine and vibrated just as much. DEC PDP 1170s were the computers I started on, go Google, you could even sleep on them they were so big. It was a new beginning and a new life.

Shift working is a brave new world, as is the discipline needed to turn up on time. 8am, Noon, 10.30pm those were just some of my regular start times. You need to be organised or you’ll miss the bus, then you have to walk through the most dangerous underpass in Birmingham to get to work every night. It does not exist any more, it was the Smallbrook Queensway underpass on the way to the Hippodrome and the Chinese Quarter. Now its far far safer, because the underpass has been filled in.

Marriage and kids are a new beginning too, the kids can kill the romance. So only have them if you want them, nobody is forced to have kids. Though in USA you have all this nonsense about reproductive rights etc, they really are behaving like children. If I was an egg in the womb I’d say, I’m staying inside, just 28 days and I’m free of all this. Outside it’s just mad people, why can’t I just be a whale then I could swim away into he deep ocean and live a long life, so long as I stay away from Japan and Star Trek films.

And on life goes. Your kids grow up and then you are all alone, you may never see them again, it all depends on how much they love you. The bit in the Bible about long life to those who honour their father, does visiting every single day for 3 years when dad was in the old people’s home mean I’ll live to 100 like I said I wanted as a kid?
 Though chronic pain does influence your thoughts, really 100 is too much if I continue to have all this pain. Though if ever I was an established writer I’d live in Malta during the cold months, so 100 would be fine. I’m smiling now, if I get 10 more years out of this body I’ll be amazed.

Which brings me to the End, which is just a Beginning. God will be there to greet us, he’ll be Laughing just like in the Depeche Mode song. The Religious right will be disappointed, for it will be a bit like Vegas with Gaga singing songs with the Angels. God will laugh at them, do you think I’d be so Boring? They will be shocked to see who God allowed in, Donald Trump will be there in an orange jump suit with Janitor on he back. Finally Humility so the Donald goes around fixing the drains, in actual fact he begged for the job.

In one corner by the Apple Tree in the Garden of Eden is a children’s tent and inside the sounds of bitter tears can be heard. What’s in there you may ask. If you peek inside you will see. Inside is Mrs Casey saying the Rosary, plus, well I won’t tell you. But they were Evil, you exclaim. But I was denied 3 times before the cock crowed by my best friend. But they were evil. But if God is Love, then I have to forgive everybody, now feel free to take the Art class Mrs Pence.


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