Friday 25 January 2019

The Gift of Seeing

The Gift Of Seeing©
Michael Casey

As I said yesterday I watched Solace for the 2nd time yesterday, it was really good that’s why I watched it a 2nd time when it popped up again. Today I was watching Star Trek Discovery season 2, where Captain Pike to me looks like a young Mitt Romney. Not unless Mitt moonlights as he needs a few extra bucks. Now what have they got in common?

Well Solace is about seeing into the future or being psychic, and Star Trek featured angels, and that leads to hope and faith. Being able to see the future or see a person’s life just by touching them is a most interesting concept. It’s on a par with shaking hands and seeing somebody totally naked, literally and figuratively as well as emotionally. Its on a par with speed dating but with all the bad things, the sad things exposed, without the comfort of going to bed.

Image you shake my hand and I know all your innermost thoughts, your past, your present and your future. It’s worse than Xray eyes, it’s seeing you naked, not just your body, but far far worse its seeing into your mind, and seeing your naked thoughts. As embarrassing as it may be to be naked, or not at all if you are a nudist, you prefer to be naked anyway.

But now I can see into your heart, into your head, and into your very thoughts. In the Bible Adam and Eve are told they can enjoy Eden, but do not eat of the fruit of the Apple Tree. When therserpent tempts Eve she eats of the apple, and then so does Adam. Then they realise they are naked, and cover themselves up, God comes along and asks them “who told you you were naked?”

So being psychic is like being like God, you see everything and through everything and everybody. Do we all want to be like that? Or is the rush, the tidal wave of knowledge too much for our human brains and bodies? Seeing everybody naked could be enjoyable if you are just looking at the Beautiful People or the Beautiful Minds. But then you see the fat hairy scarred people, like Michael Casey, despite his wonderful soft and shiny silver hair. You see other far from perfect bodies, I’ll leave that to your imaginations.

You see into people’s minds, past the false smiles and the dead eyes. You see the nice people who really want to help the Altruists of this world. But then you also see the Wolves who would take advantage of you. The nice boy who who seduce you and leave you pregnant, or with a STD. On the surface he is so nice, but you are psychic so you  know he’s really a bad un. Or the perfect girl, who really wants to fleece you, or just wants a Passport, so she’s totally the wrong one.

The phrase too sweet to be wholesome is so true, because too many sweets do rot your teeth. With your psychic abilities you can see through people, so you know who are the bastards straight away. But would it be great to be psychic? Would being able to see people naked with all their badness revealed be such a great thing? Or would it become a curse?

When you meet somebody the gradual finding out is part of life and is fun. It’s like a meal, with a starter, a main course and then a dessert followed by coffee and biscuits and a mint. Then in due course you may be naked and discover each others’ bodies. But what if you are psychic? Will you always be too harsh because you discover things too fast, you are God like. Is that kind of knowledge too much for our human minds to cope with?

The other thing about being psychic is the rush of information, its like being Canute with the tide coming in with full force. If you an damn the information and then control it you can become a power station if you like. Otherwise the data, the flow will just wash you away like a tsunami. I imagine that’s what tires psychic, its the total flow of information coming at them. Its like the difference between a pinhole camera to a 4K monster tv with sound bar.

So psychic have to handicap themselves or distract themselves to drown out all the other influences. In science fiction the psychic may wear gloves and dark glasses, just as we have a lampshade and a dimmer switch for lamps otherwise they are too powerful. The other thing to remember is that seeing so much can be painful to the psychic. Its fine looking at a beautiful naked woman, or man if you re female reading this. But what if you are looking at a horrible naked man, such as me, for want of an example. Wouldn’t you just puke, obviously if it really were me. So think of the poor psychic, being showered with all this information.

I think in the end being a psychic is a curse, you cannot control all the information coming at you, you really do need sleep, or sensory deprivation to stop all the information overwhelming you. Just as those of us with Tinnitus use lots of music to distract us from the hiss in our ears. Nighttime is worse so with Tinnitus music beside the bed to keep on playing as we drift off to sleep or not.

Imagine what it must be like for God, billions and billions upon billions of thoughts and tears, and occasionally a widow’s mite of prayer. I thing our prayers are the thing that stops God’s tinnitus, and helps his all seeing and all knowing, it’s the good news on an eternal bad news day.

And am I psychic? Well I can never see a day when I finally get recognition and reward for my 1,420,000 Words. Just a bit of comfort in my early retirement would be nice. Though if I made millions I’d  build a pain relief hospital. Because I’ve had too much experience of pain in my life, I cannot be a doctor, all I can hope to do is try and make you all laugh. Would taking off all my clothes work, or would you all just puke? Who’s psychic now?



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