Sunday 6 January 2019

6th Jan 2019 The Epiphany

6th jan 2019 The Epiphany

6th Jan 2019 The Epiphany ©
Michael Casey

I’ve had a relaxing day today, as you know I was watching Star Trek Discovery, I binged on 4 hours worth, 6 more hours left of the dvds my brother gave me. He buys them in charity shops then gives me them later, much later when he is on a flying visit to Birmingham, no he’s not a Pilot, just one of the many teachers in the family.

I just finished stripping the decorations off the first Christmas tree at the new place. I did shout for a stripper but I had to do it myself. I wanted to start a tradition where the youngest ends Christmas by removing all the decorations, but they are not Writers so they could not be bothered. Real exams beckon in days, so I did it myself. I did invite Totoro our cat to climb the tree but even she was uninterested.

Setting up Christmas my girls were interested in, but the reverse was left for the cleaner. I do have a vested interest, after a month of a Christmas tree right next to me I can shuffle over my chair once the tree goes out the door in the morning, I will have more space but less sparkle right next to me. There will be of course a trail of needles all over the floor and rug, and how the branches can be prevented from scratching the walls is another matter. Like a prisoner on the way to execution the branches will reach out beseechingly trying to hold onto the walls to avoid their fatal fate.

The girls also left a bag with a final present in underneath the Christmas tree, the Kings were late after all. 6th Jan was their present day. So now everything is cleared, like Head and Shoulders for Christmas decorations, not a bit of tinsel left. Tomorrow I’ll be treeless and vacuum the rug, and brush my settee behind me, then the Study will return, we do study in here, we are not being pretentious.

But what of Epiphany in general? I’m not one for having epiphanies in general. I tend to stumble into things, but as Mark Harris once said “you are a good stumbler”, he’ll be amazed I quoted him. I’ve got Sat Nav to take me to the end of the page, but how I get to the start is sheer luck. Or maybe it’s the Help of God and Two Policemen as my mother used to say.

I see something or hear something, at a bus stop, or I look out the window and that sets off a train of thought, then you lot suffer what I write. But how can an Epiphany big or small change your Life. Well a fright is an epiphany. You make sure you never catch that bus again, or go up that road again, or never visit that chip shop again. Food Poisoning can be an epiphany, I’ve have two major does of it. So I refuse to eat certain things, or food cooked in a certain way.

Losing half a stone or 6 kilos is one week, is horrible, the loneliness of the glued to the toilet seat runner. Then when your employer rings you up, because you don’t give then a running commentary on your food poisoning. This is an epiphany, you swear you will leave that company, as did many people, that’s why they had such great staff turn over. They will remain nameless their epiphany would have been to realise they were such a bad employer, the worst in my entire working life.

Evolution is better than Revolution, if you want to change things, and many do make resolutions at this time of year. So just drive by your boyfriend, no don’t shoot him this is not America, just splash him in the rain, and leave him fuming. Go to work without him, block his calls, after a week he’ll buy a bus pass, and you can give Jenny your best mate a lift instead. If you decide too that Jenny is so much better than Paul then you may even decide to take Katy Perry’s advice, kiss a girl and like it. Who am I to Judge?

There are many changes and improvements we can make to our lives. I’ve made one myself earlier in the evening, I recycled an old Sainsbury’s orange carrier bag and put all my pants in it. Orange for pants, and green bag for socks, immediately my bedroom is tidier and colour coded too. Though my purple pillowslips do stand out, like a Bishop’s boudoir, or left over packaging from Cadbury’s Easter eggs.

You can tidy up your own life in small ways, enjoy colour coding your clothes in various bags and colour coded coat hangers. You can do all manner of things, life is so much better in colour after all. The thing to remember though is that yes the Kings were late, but they got there in the end and what they did was important. So in your own life it is never too late to start anew.

If I can teach myself to write and then start on another path then so can you, I really am the lowest common denominator, which is a fancy way of saying I was in the gutter but I was looking up at the stars. So I started again, and again, and again, and again, and again and every day is a new day, The star is in the East, you can follow your hopes and dreams. You may never reach that Manger, but it’s always worth trying to. Because the work involved on the journey makes us all stronger, and by getting up out of the gutter we can all reach for the stars. The Epiphany reminds all of us to be Kings, to travel, to follow our stars to our manger, and there we will find pure contentment.
some translations  for you all a late Christmas present, that remains my copyright
Wydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples

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