Monday 28 August 2023

Il Palacio

Monday, 28 August 2023

Il Palacio

Il Palacio (c)

By Michael Casey

I was talking to my good neighbour over the garden fence

we were discussing creosote

he'd just painted his side of the fence

and the fumes got me high but also brought back memories

from 40 or 50 years ago when I painted the garden fence

all the fences had blown down in a gale

before gales were common place

global warming and all that

but not if you are Trump who

only believes in his own hot wind

so mum had begged for floorboards from demolotion sites

the floor boards were all dumped in our back garden

mum and dad gave the crew some money for a drink

the floor boards would have been burnt or dumped

instead they were turned into alcohol

Pure Magic

so I ended up painting the fences

and my green wool jumper 

forever stunk of creosote no matter how much I washed it


some things leave an impression on us, if only the smell of creosote

my neighbour and his wife leave an impression of Kindness on me

which is priceless

Il Palacio refers to their back garden with all work they have done

our cat Totoro approves too

it's stunningly white, almost needing sunglasses as they sit there

in the Sunshine of their Love  with family gathered around

I did ask did he strap his wife to a skateboard and drag her

so she could paint the lower border black

while he did the higher pieces

AS for the garden fence I did mention Tom Sawyer

and getting his grandchildren in height order to paint the fence

to help him along

or if he had a dog, dip creosote on tail and feed treats to the dog

then as the dog wagged its tail the fence would be painted

but the animal cruelty people will not see the joke

as everything has to be Politically Correct nowadays

A Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman

and thank God , we all appreciate the difference

but maybe I'm classed as old fashioned

If you want old fashioned then watch

Office Romance a 1960s Russian film

it was originally watched by the cleaner

in the 1970 maybe, in China

and now in 2023 I watched it in England, last night

we are nothing if  not Eclectic in our house

My Tinnitus has just kicked off again

so no kissing me on the lips

As I'm not a woman

even with my hernia bigger than some women's breasts

or maybe I'm talking footballs

as usual maybe

Life is a game of two halves, and if you don't ask you don't get

and if the ball had gone in the net it would have been a goal

And my goal is to amuse you all

In between the pain and tinnitus

What I see you get on the page

So this Summer Holiday

Teach your kids presenting

It will help them, I've spoke of it before

Maybe I'll explain tomorrow

But for now, a man has got to do what a man has got to do

Cook his own dinner, and feed the cat

before watching a Kdrama

about a Vet who feels bums, as a way of seeing the past

Kdramas are the best

and Uncanny Counter 2 had me crying

But I love them so much

So call me a woman if you like

and kiss me on the lips

as Kdramas takes forever before the first kiss

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Il Palacio

Il Palacio (c) By Michael Casey I was talking to my good neighbour over the garden fence we were discussing creosote he'd just painted h...

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