Thursday 10 August 2023

I have not for forgotten Korea

 hello Korea

Uncanny Counters 2

I've started on that

I'm sorry all the Politics

but it is an interest of mine

and Putin is Satan

and Trump is Insane

and GOP love MONEY


My diseases are hurting me more

and Tinnitus is a curse

so forgive me for boring you all

Perhaps my dreams will only come true

in a Manga magazine

you could put my stories in a Manga comic

If anybody wanted to read then draw

I would be  perfect in a Manga

the reality is far far different

and a speed typist to put my words down

Tears for a Butcher sequel

though do you have Tears for a Clown


Singapore has stolen your Crown by the way

or was it my old deaf Korean priest from long ago

who is reading my words incredulously 

with a Singapore identity

I'll never know

it might be the Court of Saint James Diplomatic Circle

which sounds like a Magic Club

Just Like That

So I'll go and slap on the pain killer

11.30 am and the Pain is already killing me

or maybe somebody comes to stab me with needles

and massage me

I can lie on the garden wall outside

more likely Martial Arts come to slap me


Literary Critics 

All of you, from the Far East

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