Saturday 19 August 2023

If you wanna be President you have to take on the Bully

Saturday, 19 August 2023

If you wanna be President you have to take on the Bully

If you wanna be President you have to take on the Bully

no GOP candidate has told it like it is

TRUMP is a clear and present danger

If you don't call him out hourly he'll be back again

like a disease

If Dems don't call him out daily from TODAY

they don't deserve to win either


LOOK at the weather the climate

Trump does not accept Global Warming

I could go on

But go on

But you get the Government you deserve

Christie is the only one so far

who is telling it like it is

A Liar and Worse should not be President

What's wrong with GOP

Insanity in a word

Over here Trump would be laughed out of town

He would not be allowed to repeat Lies on TV

He would be stopped in a second

Mr Trump that's a Lie

Mr Trump that's still a Lie

Mr Trump non stop liar

Not 60 mins of BS

stop him

If you don't stop him then he'll really mess with you

You have to Confront the Bully

Look at Hitler and look at Putin

In the end you pay double

If you don't stop the Bully early

You don't have Kings in USA

so stop treating Trump like a King 

when he is a joke

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