Saturday, 15 September 2018

15th Sept update with Taylor Swift

Saturday, 15 September 2018

15th Sept update with Taylor Swift

15th Sept update with Taylor Swift

well I'm happier today the pain has lifted, sorry for boring you all but IT is a major part of my life nowadays, its not as boring as waiting for a bus in the rain, but equally as important if you are on your way to work.

Taylor is wearing a hole in my carpet practicing her dance routines, I keep on telling her that she is more than welcome, but this is not New York. It's Birmingham, pronounced BirmingUM but us locals here in England.

I was having my morning meds, and I had a thought for a comic piece about meds, so I'll nail that later on after I've got the kids to bring in the dustbins and I've had a stroll to the shops. Though my daughter was up till 2.30am post exams/tests relaxation. Either that or talking to her friends. She's off to see the Arctic Monkeys so I told her she'd be deaf afterwards so bring plenty of cotton wool for her ears, and a warm coat and some peanuts.

come back later for alternative medicine

hang on the rag and bone man is at the door, he sings like an angel.

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