Thursday 30 July 2020

Trump the Reverse Churchill

Trump the Reverse Churchill

WE all know our History
Churchill stood up to the Nazis
yes we all know about other stuff, but learn from All History
not just your favourite bits
Who invented Concentration Camps by the way
The British to beat the Boers in South Africa
But back to Trump and Churchill
Trump inherited a good economy
But he only takes Praise for Any Upside
And denies knowledge or says he is NOT responsible for any downside
Where does the BUCK stop?
Not me, I’m only a trumped up salesman
who ran away from multiple bankruptcies worth $3,000,000,000
Who hides everything via the Law
and now thinks he is a King, so he is the Law
But he is NOT, the cat is out of the bag
Everybody needs to take a day off on Election Day
and vote him OUT
Churchill saved Britain, but he was still voted OUT
So follow Britain’s lead, and vote out your would be King, who is the reverse of Churchill
Churchill went on to win Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953
Trump won’t get that ever
because he never reads let alone writes
It is time to put away foolish things and return to Nobility
Trump has trashed USA, that’s the World’s opinion
But they had to put up with the Bully with the loaded gun
Now he is naked, so vote him out
The Emperor’s clothes have all peeled away
All corruption must be washed away by a Tsunami of VOTES
In 2 years time in 2022 you can correct the new guy
But now the ship of state is sinking
Why have you allowed and put up with this FOOL for so long
Or is a Simpson episode the New Reality
Political comment, I’ve watched Politics for 50 years now, but never never never
has such madness ever appeared. Trump should be made to resign 15th August
is feast of the Assumption……

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