Thursday 9 July 2020

NO more shops + what did you do in life

A major shop here in Birmingham is not going to reopen after COVID19

everybody buys online

here in UK 3 times as many ONLINE buys compared to EU

so shopworkers will go

Read my Play Shoplife, back in 1989 in could have changed my life

It is still very funny and true to life

hello to Dave Eaton, superDave from long ago, he knew a shop or two

i would say more, but the pain monster has returned

from spine to shoulder to head and Tinnitus too

I was due tgo have my back sorted but the heart op came first

and you all think I'm just this vacuuous bore from Birmingham

maybe I am, to you, but you just don't have a clue

I'll be back with comedy later

here's an old random post

And What Did You Do in Life?
Michael Casey

I’ve just been looking at the newspapers on the Internet this Sunday morning, and it makes for some very sober reading. Apart from Pippa’s wedding, they all had a great time, so good luck to them all. However parallels from History scream out. Harry is dating a divorcee while North Korea is playing with its toys, and Russia is quietly and not so quietly stirring the pot and punching above its weight. Trump has signed  a 110,000,000,000 dollar arms deal. A casual remembrance of History will remind you of WWI and WWII.

People are starving and we, as in us Humans are playing with toys that could destroy or pollute the world. So it reminds me of a piece I wrote recently called Redemption, where aliens minding their own business decide to intervene to save us. The line from that story is, and how did you know Jesus, dad. I helped him carry his cross to Calvary the alien replied to his son. I also wrote a piece in July 2009 called Nobel and Me. Nobel as you know read his own obituary, and then changed, Nobel by the way invented dynamite.

Back in 2009 I was leaving Pinsent Masons, and indirectly it gave me time for writing, though all I wanted at the time was a new job. Arthritis and Unplanned Quadruple Heart bypass, as well as CkD, kidney problems were not even thought of.

So with this in mind I was thinking how would the powers that be fare as they had their Exit Interview, exit from this life into the next.

So what did you do in Life? I was a Politician. Next. Give me a chance to speak. You had enough time already. Give him a job cleaning the chewing gum off the pavements. I don’t like the look of him, make that 10,000 years of chewing gum cleaning. But that’s not fair. Are you going to argue with Me?

And what did you do in Life? Silence. You refuse to confess? SCREAMING. I WAS THE LEADER. On your knees, on your belly like a worm. Now whisper to me, just exactly what did you do in Life. I was a leader. No, you were a Butcher, while the people lacked a Baker, and you led them to the Undertaker. I was a leader hissed the Snake. This one is for you Saint Patrick, get him out of my sight. A zillion years at least crawling like a worm in the dirt.

And what did you do in Life? I did nothing, I was afraid to do anything, I hoped it would all go away if I did nothing. I was the head of the UN. Reincarnation for you. But I thought this was the Final Judgement? God loved that film Groundhog Day, so UN, you get a zillion chances to see if you can finally get it right. And a zillion more chances until you do.

And what did you do in Life? I was a thief, a liar and a fraud, I stole and I cheated on my wife and my girlfriend simultaneously. I had a heart attack while cheating with my lover. Are you Casanova? No I just wished I was. Why should you be allowed in? I should not. I deserve nothing but pain, and Hell’s fire. Casanova was hugged and embraced like a long lost brother, like the Prodigal Son himself. There is more rejoicing in Heaven for a repentant sinner than for many many good men after all.

And what of you? I destroyed the world in fire storm of Nuclear War. I had to, my country was under attack, so I had to. My beautiful Earth, my Eden floating in space destroyed  by you. What is your name? What is your name? We are many, we are ignorance, we are war, we are Leaders without a soul. We are arrogant, we do not care, we kiss babies that are our bastards, we are Leaders of a planet dying and burning in the wreckage of Nuclear war.

God has they last Word , just as he had the first. This is a dream, a warning to you all. Love God Love him a Lot, and never hide behind the fences of faith and ignorance. This really is your last chance. Time has been rewound so you get a chance to save my Eden, I created Time so I can rewind it, use it well, don’t Love Money so much that Evil is allowed to flourish, burn down bridges that promote Money not Love.

Michael Casey what are you doing hiding there? I was afraid, I did not know what to say in answer to your question. And what did you do in Life? And what did you do Michael? I broke my parents heart while they were alive. And now its too late. Look can you see though the clouds. Hold my hand Michael, can you see your mother pouring the tea  for everybody. And your dad too.
They were so proud and still are, my son is a storyteller just as I told him stories when I was alive, can you hear your dad boasting to everybody.

I can hear my dad, but I’m so weak now, all buggered up as my dad might say, with arthritis pain and surgery pain and so on. Yes, but from this well of weakness stories surge and pour out onto the page. Yes, but nobody knows me. Do you want fame? No, just a nice house and something to leave for my daughters. I could do with less pain though, but I’ll accept the pain for a long life.

Are you haggling with God, the Almighty? No but my friend Padre Pio said always ask for the Big Grace. And its because of him I have a family in the first place, its in Padre Pio and Me. I am the Almighty I KNOW EVERYTHING ALREADY. Sorry, I just feel so helpless sometimes. But you keep your sense of humour.

Well yes, eventually I might make some money for my daughters’ future. I am nothing, my Future is dust.

That’s what they said about Jesus as he hung on the cross…  

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