Monday 20 July 2020

Brave new World 20/7/20

Well I had to go for a blood test today, and that was an eye opener

I've stayed home and out of harm's way during Covid 19 times

So today I masked up and  got a taxi to the GP surgery

My driver was also masked and windows open wide

You have to queue to get in

There is a rope like at a theatre premier

One by one you are allowed in

The receptionist is all masked

The rest of the front desk crew are all behind plastic

Like the Deli selection in a store

Face to face no more

The bloods girl herself is all shielded and gowned

Almost like a welder but without the welding arc

Just needles at the ready

I returned on the bus

Empty bus with bored drivers, now survivers

It is not a pretty life for anybody

The high street looks lame and lifeless  too

This is just a snapshot of my local lockdown area

There will have to be changes nobody anywhere can live like this

Joy has to be returned

I did suggest an outdoor version Of Birmingham is Ballet

But no takers so far

We must return the smiles not just air miles

SO I'll return to humour with new vigour

For laughter is the Trigger for everything

And there really is magic in touch, a Genesis

for everything not just a song

and thank you Cambodia for passing by
along with Switzerland and Turkey reading translations
of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker my comedy/drama

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