Sunday 7 June 2020

Ivanka Trump 77x7

Ivanka Trump 77×7

Ivanka Trump 77×7
By Michael Casey
What have you done with your life?
I hid a Bible in a designer Handbag
So dad could pretend to be Holy
Though he never actually reads the Bible
Nor anything
He did say I created 15,000,000 jobs
He repeated it so many times
Goebbels taught dad everything about propaganda
I’m so sad I could not give a commencement speech
I could explain the horrors of too much choice
being spoilt for choice
Too many handbags and designer clothes and jewelry
The strain of being a working mum
It’s so hard this life, and being a wife too
I don’t know how I manage with only a Billionaire daddy
Yes I’ve never worked 12 hours night shifts
Yes I’ve never worked 12 hour day shifts standing all day long
Yes I’ve never helped clean toilets in a hotel with the crew
Yes I’ve never walked the security patrol in a hotel
Yes I’ve never had a car aimed at me by a thief
Yes I’ve never stood all day in a hot workplace
NO, having a sauna does not count
Yes, I’ve never got up early to catch a bus
Yes, I’ve never then jumped on a crowded train
Yes, I’ve never then walked a mile just to get to work
Yes, I’ve never then stood all day, for 12 hours in a hotel foyer
Yes, I’ve never carried heavy shopping home
Yes, I’ve never lived on cheap food, on frozen food
Yes, I’ve never worried about paying the rent
Yes, I’ve never worked in MacDonalds nor Wendy’s
Though I do have Scottish friends and a friend called Wendy
Yes I do like a drink, but never from plastic bottles
Yes, I’m healthy and can afford a doctor
Yes, I never worry about medication costs
Yes, I believe in choice,which specialist I should go to
Yes, this, yes that, yes yes and yes and I’ll have the same as her
I have a YES life
Nobody ever says NO to me
Nobody slams the door in my face
Nobody upsets me
Nobody rejects me
Nobody says sit at the back
Nobody says you cannot be in here
Nobody says queue here
Nobody, nobody, nobody
God says forgive not once but 77×7
So should we forgive you and your dad 77×7 times
Or should we throw out the salt that has lost its taste
Throw it out so it can be walked upon.
Sometimes we need to rebuild from the earth up
What did Jesus say to Saint Francis in Assisi
He said Rebuild my Church
So when your dad had his photo op, he could have misused that quote
Or he could have opened and actually read from the Bible
The true, non Goebbels meaning of the quote is:-
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joyO Divine Master, grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
And it’s in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it’s in dying that we are born to Eternal Life
So Ivanka and Donald are YOU going to be like Saint Francis
or like Goebbels

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