Friday 26 June 2020

CIA online recruiting

C.I.A. Online Recruiting (c)
Michael Casey

C.I.A. Online Recruiting

It was in the paper so it got me thinking....

So Mr Casey, or is it Miss?

YOU look so convincing dressed in drag.

I am a Mr, but under cover I can be a Miss, I studied under Danny La Rue

I am great under the  covers too

Are you talking dirty Mr Casey

Under a dust cover

You are a decorator?

A dust jacket, I am a Writer

We never use the W word here, ask Mr Bolton

Just the T word a lot, so I've heard from my friends

Who told you

A friend, down the chip shop

Are you good at battering then

Only  with a wet lettuce at the back of the legs

Would  you kill a man

Only if I had to

What about a women

Only if we were under the covers

She's die with a smile on her face

My  words go very deep

Do you mind  travelling a lot

So long as I get a free bus pass and dinner money

Can you keep a secret

I'd only tell my sister on a Friday, we always go to Bingo together

Are you good at disguises

Well if i don't shave or wash I smell so much nobody looks at me

Are you a linguist

Please ask the question again in Queens English

What is you sexuality

Yes please

I'll put it another way, do you like men or women

Women only

James Bond said he's do it any which way

He thought it was a Clint Eastwood film perhaps

Can you run fast

As fast as the average man my age in my condition

Good, as least you can bluff

Would you mind taking off your clothes

Where should I put them

In the box ready for the Jumble Sale

So you are very obedient

Women like obedient men

How do you know

I can see you sizing up my accomplishments

Now if we pushed you out the door now

I'm naked

As a test if we pushed you out

Could you cope and not get arrested

I could

Shall we try

Yes, but can I use your credit card

No why

Because I just palmed it

I cannot see it

I pushed it up my Papillon

You pushed a C.I.A. credit card up your derriere

Well C.I.A. means Casey In Arse, so I did what I had to do

That's disgusting

You can have it back if you like

Do you love your country

As much as the President himself


He's a bigger pain in the Arse than the President

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