Friday, 21 December 2018

A Child's Christmas Prayer

A Child’s Christmas Prayer ©
Michael Casey

Dear Baby Jesus, can I have a train set for Christmas

Dear Baby Jesus, can I have lots of chocolate for Christmas

Dear Baby Jesus, can I stay up late to watch more tv for Christmas

Dear Baby Jesus, can mum and dad stop shouting for Christmas

Dear Baby Jesus, can I not eat vegetables for Christmas

Dear Baby Jesus, can I have more presents too, for Christmas

Dear Baby Jesus, can I leave my light on at night, I promise not to peek when Father Christmas delivers my train set for Christmas

Dear Baby Jesus, what school will you go too when you grow

Dear Baby Jesus praying is hard, I cannot remember everything

Dear Baby Jesus I’m going to sleep now, but wake me up so I can see Santa deliver my train set.

Oh I forgot, Dear Baby Jesus can Mrs Murphy come back from hospital soon, or her cat might die of hunger.

Yes that’s everything, I want Mrs Murphy to come home, she’s the nice old lady over the road, she lets me stroke Totoro her cat.

I’m so sleepy now.

Dear Baby Jesus, I want Mrs Murphy to get well, not just because she lets me stroke her cat. Mrs Murphy is my honorary grandma that’s what my mum says, I don’t know what honorary means. My own granny went to Heaven before I was born.

I’m so sleepy now, did you enjoy sleeping in a manger Baby Jesus.

Please, Baby Jesus, just let Mrs Murphy get well, even if she never lets me stroke her cat. Give Mrs Murphy one of Totoro’s 9 lives, I’m sure he wouldn’t miss one.

Please let Mrs Murphy come home quick, I don’t want the train set, I just want to smell Mrs Murphy’s nice smell of flour and cakes.  No I don’t want her to get better just because of the cakes, I just like it when she hugs me, that’ her smell.

She does give me cakes too, but please please please Baby Jesus let Mrs Murphy come home quick, even if I never ever ever get a train set nor and cakes from Mrs Murphy.

All I want for Christmas Baby Jesus, is hugs, lots of hugs. Tell Santa I going to sleep now, he doesn’t have to give me anything, give my train set to another child.

 All I need is hugs, hugs are enough Baby Jesus.

 Did Mary and Joseph tell you that too, hugs last a lifetime.

where Mrs Casey, my mother was born and lived till age 12, a family of nine Cromane Lower County Kerry Eire

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