Today is a Bad Day

Today is a bad day ©
Michael Casey

Well I’ve been screaming in pain, yes really screaming and cursing, such is my pain. So I slap on the Movelat and that works faster than oral pain killers. Usually 5 to 10 minutes. I did try other pain killers but they were not strong enough. Then I had the night time version, which was a far stronger dose. That left me dazed 12 hours plus later. And I still wake every 2 hours, so I decided not to take either. I don’t want to join Trump’s Opioid club, or rather the disaster that has swept USA, because people are trigger happy with meds over there. All of which means some days or nights I go to Hell and back with pain, no judge can teach me about pain.

So as you read my rubbish have in the back of your mind these things, I am far more than a happy clappy clown. I don’t claim that I’ll ever win a Nobel prize for my writing, or even any small amount of recognition. Nor will you know of the things I chose not to talk about. Because some things are boring to me even though the are great fodder to the wider world.

In first year in Grammar school we had a German music scholar come to the school and I remember Newcombe asked about Hitler instead of music. This was 1970 or so, nearly 50 years ago now. So I think the music scholar said a few words. Mr Fletcher our Music teacher was supposed to be in some elite musical society so we were very lucky to have the German visit. The point being the German just wanted to do his job but we wanted Hitler instead. Ditto, the things I may write hit a nerve or don’t, or you’d prefer this instead of that.

So for you all today is a bad day because you haven’t got a Lech, Boris or Gregorgi story, or a Totoro story, or even a Trump satire. Speaking of which I fear folks are so Politically Lazy in USA that Trump may continue to get away with Murder. Over here in UK, he’d have been toast long ago. However USA is not UK. I could continue writing about Politics which is an interest of mine for 50, yes 50 years, but you’d all be bored.

Though the Saudi Consulate murder may ultimate bring about the Yemen ceasefire. Nobody had yet used the Thomas a Becket defence, the king said then “who will rid me of this Turbulent Priest” and Thomas was killed in Canterbury. So was this in the Consulate a similar situation? I’ve been waiting for weeks for this defence but nobody studies History.

Now this is interesting for me, but for you it’s so BORING, you’d rather watch repeats of the Apprentice. Though here’s a Birther Revenge story. What I Donald Trump is not Donald Trump. His mother spent days in hospital when he was born as she bled so much.

So what if the real Donald Trump baby died and a substitute was installed as Donald Trump. Can we have DNA testing of Donald Trump immediately, then as Donald Trump is abolishing the 14th Amendment, Donald Trump would not be Donald Trump, and not even a Citizen. Therefore Donald Trump is not Donald Trump and so is not the President. Can Fox news run with that? And we have it all over the news just in time for the Mid Terms.

Would I be classed as a Russian for wanting to interfere with the USA elections? Would I be classed as marching towards USA with my Arthritis and CkD and post quadruple heart pains. Would 10,000 Military be ordered to shoot to kill? I am over here in Birmingham, the one in England.

Reality is far far stranger than fact, a believer in nothing has stolen the faith of the faithful. The Black Sheep is forgiven everything, and really is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. But he is believed. Now that is SAD, but interesting, that’s why I enjoy watching the Circus of Politics while I eat my bread, and sometimes cake.

So the bad day Today, is not just for me but for everybody, because Nobody bothered to Vote, only 20% usually vote at Mid Terms. Which means 2 people bully 8 people. Or actually if the vote is close then 1.2 people bully 8.8 people. Its like watching the same tv show because you could not bother to find the remote control. So you are stuck with the same horrible reality. And that reality is an Apprentice destroying all this Good in USA, as he pretends to be a president.

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