Saturday, 6 October 2018

Hidden Meanings

Hidden Meanings (c)


Michael Casey

Well its 6th October now and the temperature has dropped, so Autumn has begun to show its face. Or The Fall as the Americans call it. The pain  monster has come out to play too, so forgive  the smell of Movelat gel as I swallow  some paracetamol. Yes, I'm boring you all again, but it's not all silly photos and sillier words. This is my life. I did have my yearly Flu jab and one for Pneumonia too the other day, to keep me healthy during the Winter. 

So I had to whip off my shirt in the local church hall, the sight of my naked body as I had a prick in both shoulders. They do mass inoculations, nearby where Mass is said. So at night when I tried to lie on my side and sleep I could not as I was in pain, because I was leaning on the spot where the jab went in. Sleeping in one position post bypass means thanks to my jabs I just could not sleep at all that night. Though I normally wake every 2 hours.

I got talking to the vicar as I had I had a coffee afterwards, he seems like a nice man. I did ask why he became a vicar and he said it kind of found him. Just as Writing kind of found me 30 years ago. I don't know who is the more successful, me or the vicar. I'd say the vicar. The vicar at  the church my kids sing at was in fact a journalist previously, obviously he never wrote fake news as he was honest, so honest he became a vicar.

My own priest at my local church sings like Topal, and at the other church I visit there are a variety of priests. And as I've mentioned you can also go to church at  

But I've sidetracked myself because the Horror Film on tv is Priest, which I've seen before. So lets get back to the plot. Hidden Meanings. Are there any in the stuff I write? NO.  I'm not clever enough to hide anything. What you see is what you get, I write plain and simple stuff because I write or rather talk for the Mass Audience, if I might hark back to the Priest.

You can have many meanings and people interpret or misinterpret  things depending on their own leanings. You have people say "what did he mean by that" and nowadays if you don't add what did "she mean by that" then you are not even handed, same goes with using Chairman instead of Chairperson. You can be viewed as anti-Gay, anti-Black, anti-Anything because you don't use the Politically Correct language.

STOP and think about that. If somebody is always correcting your language and grammar, instead of sorting the Problem then you should ask yourself are they really trying to STOP solutions. Whatever the problem is. All I want is some more soft toilet paper to clean my bum with, do I have to fill in a form in triplicate, or have a form of words? Or should I just wipe my bum on the curtains in my hotel room?

I'll stop here before my head explodes

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