Thursday, 14 May 2020

Matt Damon in Ireland and Spanish Tapas bar in Barcelona

Matt Damon in Ireland  and Spanish Tapas bar in Barcelona

last night Spain suddenly feel in love with my site

So who was it?

maybe that Spanish Tapas bar in Barcelona started to read me

after I mentioned them in a piece

They may be regretting what they read overnight

Or they may decide to drown me in the fountain at the top of Las Ramblas

It was there in 1999, or it could have been redeveloped

Matt Damon is enjoyed being Locked  up in Dublin Eire

he says it was a fairy tale

If he reads The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

set in Old Forge and Singing Anvil written by a son of a Kerry Blacksmith

then he may have a project to play with when Lockdown ends

a film producer did take a look back in 2013

Since then it's been read all over the world in many languages

via my Wordpress

So Matt have a read it's only 600 pages

Or you could just clean more floors as you scribble equations on walls

I of course am a master toilet cleaner as I worked in a hotel for 3 years

CPNEC Birmingham, and it was one of 10 or my roles

Would I get an Oscar for that? 

Michael Casey

p.s. there are also 2000 short stories on my sites, perfect punishment for bad kids, though I don't know your family's ages

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Blackmail by TRUMP

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far