Monday, 3 March 2025

finally got up, been hiding in bed with Tinnitus

Finally got up, been hiding in bed from Tinnitus

the sound of embers burning in my head, after a fire has been extinguished

it's so horrible

not just the thought of being in bed with me

the tinnitus

its worse that all the pain I get daily


USA and France you are the big readers now

Is it the Press Corps

or am I a guilty pleasure on the West Wing

Will Trump proclaim himself King tomorrow

I pray he changes like Saul on the road to Damascus

Putin is EVIL no two ways about it


and he'll fold

if you want the card playing metaphor

100% no Money, no back door Bitcoin

Cut it all off


Moscow Czars love money more than anything

So Putin will be thrown out with the bath water

Garde de L'eau as the say

Rouen le pot de Normandie

was another expression

And Normandy 1944 is remembered for a reason

the student side of my study

and this is the rest of it

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