Busy Bunnies

Well all of you have been downloading my rubbish

So thank you very much

I hope I corrupt you in a Positive way

Get you all to say the Rosary for Peace

or whatever prayers you say in you own way

And there is one solution

Russia is Stopped, or rather’s Putin’s personal genocide is stopped

An then we get an era of Peace

Fatima and all that

Yes, I’ve been boring you all for 3 years about it


Nazis should never win, and Putin’s War is just like that

The Rich in Russia stole everything and THEN

threw away Russian lives and treasure

so they could steal Ukraine back again

but lose 1,000,000 Russian boys lives

Dead and Wounded

a Trillion USD wasted for what?

To keep Putin in Power

He should have stayed home

and fixed Russia with that Trillion instead


10,000 words by Tuesday

Or in a sentence

The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil

a much better writer than me said that

BUT God is full of surprises

So never accept any predictions ……

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